Girl Ray have never been afraid of switching it up. In the space of just three albums they’ve gone from janglepop darlings to being one of the most exhilarating and original pop bands around. Their most recent release, 2023’s Prestige, takes the shambolic charm of their debut, Earl Grey (2017), and the ‘indiefied’ R&B of 2019’s Girl, and injects it with a booster shot of Hi-NRG eighties disco pop.

Bringing their deep understanding of modern pop and the bittersweet melodies of ABBA and Kate Bush and mixing it all together with the post-punk playfulness of Orange Juice and a love of Donna Summer, Girl Ray’s most recent release is undoubtedly a life affirming celebration of the transformative power of pop music at its most glorious. It’s what Girl Ray imagine might have been playing on a Saturday night in the eighties as they checked their coats at Paradise Garage. Pop music as pure fantasy.

They headline the FY Live Room stage on Sunday 25th August.